Becoming an Alchemist in your Everyday Life

Alchemy represents purity itself. The art of Alchemy is about taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary. To honor this masterful art one should truly know themselves so as they yield their magick they do so with reverence and uncontaminated intention. I often see sacred symbolism and words used in marketing and branding. Sacred geometric shapes, as well as ancient, hermetic terms, are used to represent your basic, ‘run of the mill’ businesses. Alchemy, as one example, is once again becoming a ‘trendy’ word that many are using to market themselves. I’ve seen a tech company, multiple restaurants across the United States, stores, and even fitness centers use this word for their branding. Using a sacred word to describe a generic business feels a bit irreverent to me, but perhaps it’s good that these words and symbols are once again being brought into our awareness. I wonder how many people really understand alchemy and the role it plays in our lives. 

What is Alchemy?

“Alchemy is the epitome of integrating science, spirit, and consciousness together. It is defined as the art and science of transformation and transmutation.” (Social Alchemists in the 21st Century pg.13, Dr. Theresa Bullard). Alchemy is an ancient science that has been used for millennia for the purpose of taking an object and transforming it into a higher version of itself. Whether you’re doing hands-on alchemy within a laboratory or going through an inner alchemical shift, there are 7 specific stages within any alchemical process. These stages are:

  • Calcination
  • Dissolution
  • Separation
  • Conjunction
  • Fermentation
  • Distillation 
  • Coagulation

If you’re looking to understand alchemy in a practical way, I recommend reading Dr. Theresa Bullards book, Game Changers- Social Alchemists in the 21st Century. Dr. Bullard gives some examples of alchemy using the metamorphosis process of the caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. She also talks about the spiritual side of alchemy as we’re entering the ‘age of conscious evolution as a collective. 

Throughout life we are, on some level, always going through an alchemical process as we evolve and shift on the planet. We can all become alchemists in our own lives and have a greater impact on our friends, family, and communities.

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”– Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

Hermetically speaking, the world we live in is a direct reflection of each of our inner worlds. In order for us to step into a new world, we need to create that within ourselves first. I believe that deep down we all want to live fulfilling, joyful lives and it starts with making personal changes. No matter how far we’ve come, we can always use alchemy to refine and purify on deeper levels. There are simple ways that we can all bring alchemy into our lives to raise our vibration. Some of the recommendations I offer up may be outside of your comfort zone, but this often can be the first step to massive transformation. As a fellow Mystery School initiate stated,

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”– Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President.

Bringing new energies into our lives is one of the best ways to eliminate stagnation and shift into a place of flow. Below are 3 ways you can become an alchemist in your own life.

1. Seek Purity in what you Consume

Every single day we consume different energies with our bodies and minds. Research has extensively proven the intimate relationship between the mind and body. What we feed our body affects our mind, and what we feed our mind affects our body. Firstly, start bringing more intention into the type of food and drinks you consume. I recently started working with an Ayurvedic Master Chef to bring more medicinal spices and nutrition into my food. Within a few days of switching my diet, I noticed shifts in my mental clarity, energy levels, and overall physical well-being. I also recommend not drinking alcohol or using any substances. Even though these are commonly used and promoted within society; when it comes to the purity of our energy, drugs, and alcohol are top polluters. Secondly, the quality of TV shows, movies, music, and reading material all can shift our vibration and fill our minds with gold or garbage. I remember as a teenager I would watch horror films thinking it was fun, but I would leave the theater feeling fearful and even a little depressed. Similarly, one of the other most subtle polluters of the mind and our energy is music. Many of the lyrics today are empty noise with no positive messages. Listening to classical music or music with uplifting lyrics can decrease the heart rate and anxiety levels. I once did a 12- week meditation program and part of that challenge was to eliminate all reading, music, and TV (outside influence) during the full 12 weeks. After I completed the journey, I was blown away at how sensitive I was to the lyrics within music. I could feel the energy behind songs and I remember thinking ‘wow, we are all so sensitive to the things we consume with our 5 senses.’ We can become so numb to all of these seemingly innocent things we consume which are direct influencers of our energy and vibration. 

2. Embody Royalty in your Everyday Life

I am pretty sure I have written this in all of my articles, but you are an eternal spiritual being much more powerful than you likely realize. You are loved beyond measure and chose to come to Earth to have this physical experience. We often forget what a divine miracle we are and how precious the opportunity to be alive is. One way to honor yourself, while raising your vibration, is to bring the energy of royalty into your life. If you were to walk into the Queen’s Palace, what would you see? How would you feel? You’d likely see ornate, beautiful clothing,  the palace would be pristine and clean, and they’d all greet each other with honor and grace. We too can bring the energy and essence of royalty into our lives by owning our own divinity and expressing it outwardly. As an example, you can invest in some high-quality clothes that you love versus purchasing cheap clothes that will likely fall apart after a few washes. Care about your home and feel the energy shift when you take time to clean and organize your space. Cleaning is one of my favorite ways to create alchemy in my life, and I love how different I feel after a deep clean of my house.  Lastly, be mindful of treating all people with kindness and respect, honoring them as the divine, eternal being they are. How often do we get wrapped up in the petty dramas and gossip of others? Remember, embody your greatness every day and remind others around you to do the same. This is the essence of royalty.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”– Eleanor Roosevelt. 

3. Shift your Energetic Container 

Bringing more light (positive energy) and connection to a higher power into your life is going to bring clarity, inner peace, and joy. Cultivating a meditation practice is a great way to start an inner alchemical process. Research, for years now, has proven the long list of benefits that come from meditation, but more importantly, it’s a way to deepen the connection to yourself and to the Universe. The stillness you can achieve with meditation creates the potential for change by creating space within and allows higher energies to assimilate into your mind and body. If you’re new to meditation, try the Max Meditation System™ which teaches you how to meditate by following its 5 key steps. If you’re ready to jumpstart an inner alchemical process, I recommend receiving a Life Activation from a Certified Modern Mystery Practitioner which enables you to hold more Light in your physical body. This sacred healing modality begins the process of releasing old, subconscious patterns and energies that are no longer serving you so that you can inevitably shift your vibration to a higher frequency. 

The world is going through a massive transformation right now. At times it doesn’t always seem like we’re heading towards a place of purity and refinement, but only time will tell. We all play a part in what we are co-creating on the planet.  What I have learned, with my teachings and tools within the Modern Mystery School, is by embracing the wisdom of the ancient hermetic arts we can learn how to wield goodness and purity in our lives. When we create transformation in our own lives we create that potential for others to do so as well. Your friends and family may become ignited within by seeing your shifts and before you know it this ripple effect starts reaching people you don’t even know. There’s an inner alchemist within each of us and if and when you’re ready to master your magick, know that there are many ancient teachings and tools available for you.