Unmasking Illusions

My Journey with Universal Kabbalah

Have you ever wondered what it takes to make true transformation in life? Do you ever feel deeply burdened by your past or the patterns of your thoughts and mind? Do you ever wish you could transform into a higher version of yourself, purging what no longer feels like you? 


I broke into tears overflowing with love and gratitude realizing that for the first time I saw myself as the divine, eternal being that I am. It felt like a coming home, a remembrance of who I’ve always been as this life-long illusion completely disappeared. I want to emphasize what a shift this was for me.  Lack of self-worth and feeling I was broken beyond repair was something I had been dealing with my entire life. It was the daily reality that I saw life through. On some level, this was something I really didn’t think I’d ever fully be able to shift. I had accepted years ago that the mental and emotional abuse from childhood that I experienced would always have some grasp on me. Are you ready for the real plot twist? What I didn’t realize was that I was still torturing myself by holding onto the lies and boxes that had been placed on me. I was torturing myself long after the abuse had stopped. I had grown so attached to this story that I hadn’t realized I was still prolonging it with my mind and my beliefs. This self-torment was apparent through all aspects of my life and would stop me time and time again from stepping into my full power because I believed I wasn’t good enough. This was what I learned during my 4th journey up the Tree of Life through the ascension program called Universal Kabbalah. 

What is Universal Kabbalah?

Universal Kabbalah is also known as ‘the Journey of ascension through the tree of life’ and this tradition is taught through the Modern Mystery School in the Lineage of King Salomon. Kabbalah means “to receive” or “that which is received”, which means we learn to ask and receive all our answers from within. Kabbalah is the study of life itself. It’s an ancient system and tradition that was created to help humans understand our place in the universe. It predates any religion and it helps us in answering the questions of the ages:

  • Who am I?
  • What am I?
  • Where did I come from?
  • Where am I going?
  • What is my purpose?

What I love about Universal Kabbalah is that it shows you how easy it is to live practically in today’s world while being attuned to the spiritual realms. We are here to have a physical life and harness our creative abilities so we can live a life of joy, fulfillment, and abundance. Kabbalah gives us these tools of wisdom and knowledge so we can become master manifestors in our physical world.  

Additionally, one of the most incredible opportunities you have through the Universal Kabbalah Program through the Modern Mystery School is that you are shown why you’ve been unable to live the life that you’ve been desiring.  What’s unique is the process is actually an energetic journey of ascension through the tree of life. These energies have always been present for each of us, but through the sacred ascension process, these energies become more heightened. You are given tools and rituals which help you work with these vibrations and make internal shifts. What I also love is that through Universal Kabbalah, you have the ability to start completely anew. Our minds are so powerful, and what we believe becomes our reality. We are the creators of our reality and where our creational powers get very distorted is through all the subconscious beliefs and patterns that lie beyond the surface. Without a powerful system like Universal Kabbalah, it can be tough to have awareness or visibility to what some of those deeply rooted beliefs are.

So I say with the deepest sincerity that having the awareness to see where each of us stops our own progression is invaluable. Regardless of what we’ve experienced or gone through in life, it’s never too much that we can’t let go and start brand new. Looking back at my most recent experience, I fully remember my past but I no longer feel like it defines me. There’s no energetic attachment to it like I used to feel.

“Life is from the inside out. When you shift on the inside, life shifts on the outside.”– Kamal Ravikant 

I am excited to see how my outer world shifts to match my new, higher vibration. I feel like a piece of me has been cut away and filled with new light. I highly recommend you experience the alchemical 10-month journey of  Universal Kabbalah yourself through the Modern Mystery School. If you’d like more information please reach out or take a deeper dive into Universal Kabbalah here.