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Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel Miller.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
In the whirlwind of life, I found myself walking the well-trodden path that society had paved for success in the bustling cityscape of Boston, Massachusetts. I pursued higher education, landed a lucrative job with a six-figure salary, and soon found myself at the helm of a team of over 30 talented individuals. The world was my playground—I traveled frequently, ticking off destinations like items on a bucket list.

To the outside observer, my life seemed enviable, a success story painted in the hues of societal approval. My social media showcased adventures and accomplishments, yet beneath the surface, an unsettling void gnawed at my core. Despite achieving what society deemed success, I felt lost, adrift in a sea of expectations that left me strangely empty.

I was not alone in this paradox. Statistics reveal a silent epidemic—growing numbers of individuals grappling with feelings of emptiness, depression, and anxiety despite outwardly successful lives. It was a wake-up call, a realization that the scripted narrative of success was not a guaranteed route to happiness.

The battle between my mind and heart intensified. The mind, shaped by societal norms, insisted on gratitude for the life I had built. Yet, my heart whispered of a deeper yearning, a longing for purpose that transcended the tangible markers of success.

And so, my journey into spirituality began—a quest to uncover the meaning of life and reconcile the disparities between societal expectations and personal fulfillment. In my quest, I started searching for a spiritual community, and this exploration led me to the Modern Mystery School ( I first received a session called the Life Activation that was a 1×1 session with a certified practitioner, and I had a new awareness of myself. My frequency shifted so much that I started to perceive myself from a higher perspective and realized how anxious I was on a day-to-day basis. Prior, it was such a normal state for me that I almost had no awareness of it. I also started questioning things more like, “Why am I staying in this relationship when I know in my heart it’s not what I want?” This new inner awareness led me to pursuing more because I hadn’t received this level of shift from anything in over ten years of experimenting.

Ultimately through this journey, I have discovered that genuine fulfillment cannot be quantified by promotions, passport stamps, or a hefty paycheck. It lay in aligning my choices with my values, in forging authentic connections, and in seeking purpose beyond the external markers of success. Unbeknownst to me, my spiritual journey evolved into more than a personal exploration; it blossomed into my ultimate passion and profession. Once I found teachings and tools capable of genuinely transforming lives, I realized that I had discovered my true calling which is me being a Spiritual Guide, Healer, and Teacher to others using the same tools that shifted my life so drastically.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Navigating my spiritual journey came with its share of challenges. One of the profound struggles was the need to rediscover my authentic self beyond the confines of my personality and negative ego. The negative ego, in psychological terms, is part of the mind that is run by our subconscious programming and unexpressed emotions. You can think of it as filters that we see and perceive our lives through. It’s running in the background on auto-pilot, informing us about life. It often involves our self-image, pride, and the desire for validation. On the other hand, individuality encompasses the unique traits, perspectives, and core essence that make each of us distinct. This is tied directly to who we are as eternal, spiritual beings. There are ancient teachings that dive deeper into this subject in the 2 day Empower Thyself class that I offer through the Modern Mystery School, lineage of King Salomon.

The journey involved shedding layers of conditioned responses, societal expectations, and the constant need for external validation. I had to relearn who I was at the core, stripped away from the layers of ego that had defined my identity for so long.

Another significant challenge was overcoming codependency and the perpetual tendency to be a people-pleaser. In the corporate realm, I was accustomed to following orders, ensuring others’ happiness, and deriving my sense of worth from external validation. Transitioning from a role where I was paid to conform to a structure to one where I had the freedom to think for myself was a formidable shift.

The battle between my mind and heart became pronounced. The societal programming dictating what is ‘right’ or ‘makes sense’ often clashed with the magic I was experiencing and the desires of my heart. Trusting myself and taking leaps into the unknown became a pivotal aspect of personal growth.

In essence, my spiritual journey wasn’t just about adopting new beliefs or practices; it was a transformative process of unlearning, shedding old patterns, and embracing the authenticity that lay beneath the layers of societal conditioning. Overcoming the grip of the ego, breaking free from codependency, and trusting my own instincts marked key milestones on the path to self-discovery and personal empowerment. Each person has their healing journey with obstacles they must overcome, but I found that being a part of an ancient lineage that provided tools for spiritual progression supported me in invaluable ways. Now, I offer that same guidance with ancient teachings and tools to others.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Awaken Within is my business, and I specialize in ancient, lineage-based healing modalities and metaphysical teachings with roots dating back over 3,000 years through the Modern Mystery School lineage of King Salomon. Clients often turn to Awaken Within for a transformative journey, breaking free from feeling stuck and finding a new beginning. The focus is on unveiling one’s true, divine self to live a desired life, offering certified energy healings and metaphysical teachings. Services include discovering life’s purpose, eliminating anxiety and old patterns, awakening hidden talents, deepening spiritual practice, addressing unresolved issues, enhancing creativity, and fostering authenticity and joy in life. The mission is to guide individuals toward realizing their full potential and awakening within.

What that looks like in a step-by-step process is I offer a free consultation to understand why someone reached out. Most of the time, people feel stuck in life and are seeking more clarity and purpose. I’ve also helped many people who have struggled with anxiety, depression, and feelings of hopelessness. I usually start clients with a 1×1 session called the Life Activation and then have them join my 2-day class called Empower Thyself. This is where I give them the ancient teachings, rituals, and tools of power to start transforming their own lives. From here, I created a unique package for them based on their unique goals. I find that all people who receive, at a minimum, the Life Activation and the 2-Day Empower Thyself Class leave with infinite more joy and clarity in their lives.

Who else deserves credit in your story?
I love any opportunity I get to express my deep gratitude for one of my main guides and mentors, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon. His profound knowledge of hermetic teachings has played an instrumental role in healing my mind and guiding me on my spiritual journey. His commitment to sharing these teachings and uplifting others is truly commendable. In my personal journey, Dave Lanyon has been a beacon of wisdom and support. His teachings have not only expanded my understanding of hermetic principles but have also provided practical tools for self-mastery and healing.

If you’re on a quest for profound spiritual insights and a mentor who embodies the essence of hermetic teachings, I wholeheartedly recommend connecting with Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon through the Modern Mystery School. His dedication to uplifting others and sharing the transformative power of hermetic wisdom is truly a gift to any seeker.


  • Life Activation – $350
  • Empower Thyself Class + Ancient Initiation- $1250

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