The Modern Mystery School is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth, inner peace, and heart-centered wisdom. The Guides and Healers within this lineage are committed to empowering others and providing healing through proven tools and practices.

In 1997, Founder Gudni Gudnason made the ancient teachings of this Mystery School accessible to the public, helping people worldwide live more empowered and fulfilled lives. Since then, the school has grown, with Guides and Healers sharing these teachings in over 55 countries.

A Mission of World Peace

The school’s mission is to inspire greater self-awareness, healing, and peace. By awakening to our true selves and mastering limiting thoughts or behaviors, we can take full ownership of our lives and contribute positively to the world. As we find inner peace, we’re better equipped to create meaningful, lasting change around us. This is an exciting time, as we can integrate modern technology with a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.

An Unbroken Lineage

The Modern Mystery School traces its teachings back through an unbroken lineage of 3,000 years, connected to the time of King Salomon. As one of the seven remaining ancient Mystery Schools on the planet, it’s the only one open to the public today. Through its teachings and path of initiation, people can access transformative wisdom to support their personal journey.

Lineage Holders

The keys for the lineage are held by the highest level of initiate, known as Sovereign Ipsissimus. The title “Ipsissimus” honors the role of lineage holder, with the highest level of responsibility and authority to maintain the keys and existence of the unbroken lineage throughout the ages.

The Modern Mystery School Lineage holders pictured left to right:

Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome, Sovereign Ipsissimus Gudni GED Gudnason, Founder of the Modern Mystery School, and Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave THOR Lanyon

The Council of 12

The Council of 12 is a comprised of 12 women anchoring the feminine aspect of the Divine. The Council of 12 works closely with the Lineage Holders to direct the energy of the lineage and provide leadership for the school at the highest level.

The positions of the Council of 12 are held for a period of time, and members of the Council may shift as needed. Currently the Council of 12 includes:

  • Ipsissima Franca Lanyon (Toronto)
  • Ipsissima Theresa Bullard (UK)
  • Divina Liza Rossi (Brazil)
  • Divina Ann Donnelly (Ireland)
  • Divina Kate Bartram-Brown (UK)
  • Divina Rita Van Den Berg (South Africa)
  • Ipsissima Eiko Gudnason (Japan)
  • Ipsissima Louisa Nakagome (Japan)
  • Divina Tsukiko Kimura (Japan)
  • Divina Maki Otani (Japan)
  • Divina Suzuki Kitamura(Japan)
  • Divina Yoda Asuza (Japan)

Global Community

The Modern Mystery School has expanded with initiates all over the world. We are united in walking this path of initiation to cultivate peace within, and to create peace within the greater whole. With Guides and Healers in 55 countries and growing, we work together as an international community to foster unity, love, compassion, and peace for all.

Certified Professional Lists for all Practitioners, Healers, Guides, and Teachers

Modern Mystery School Canada
Modern Mystery School South America
Modern Mystery School Europe
Modern Mystery School Israel
Modern Mystery School Japan
Modern Mystery School South Africa