Authentic Relating (AR) is the practice of freely expressing your authentic experience in the company of others.

Expressing in this way enables you to create connections in the world based on who you really are. Authentic Relating practices create a safe, intentional space – rooted in play and supported by clear boundaries – to create meaningful and enjoyable connections to self and others. By learning Authentic Relating skills, you can drop your conditioned relational habits, and learn to relate with yourself and others from a deeper more authentic expression of your truth.

You’ll be led through exercises designed to help you heal your relationship with yourself, and learn to be comfortable in your own skin—then connect with others as your newfound ‘authentic’ self. Put simply, this is a place to practice being human.

This is an opportunity to:

  • Expand your friend circle
  • Learn something about yourself
  • Explore the human experience
  • Have the courage to reveal something about yourself
  • Have the compassion to hold space for another as they reveal themselves

5555 E Stearns St #108, Long Beach, CA 90815