What I Wish I Learned in School: Meditation

Part Two

As I sat with myself during the final day of a 12 week meditation journey, I was sitting in profound disbelief of what I had accomplished. I had meditated a total of 335 hours over the previous 12 weeks, and I felt the deepest sense of joy, inner peace, and achievement. When I had first decided to commit to this process, there was a part of me that couldn’t grasp what it would feel like to be on the other end of this seemingly impossible journey. There were many days where I was meditating 4 hours a day, and I didn’t know how I was going to increase to 8 hours a day during the final month. But I took each day as its own journey, and here I was in complete awe of how transformed I felt. I understood, at that moment, the true power of meditation as I reflected back on who I was prior to starting the journey. Meditation isn’t something that came naturally for me; I wasn’t one to sit still especially without distraction. We live in a world that is constantly trying to pull our attention outwards. Yet, the deep secret that meditation reveals is that:

“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.”- Rumi.

We are eternal spiritual beings having a physical experience, and meditation is one of the most effective ways to reconnect to the infinite power, inspiration, and divine energy within. I wish I had been taught effective methods of meditation growing up. It would’ve been a game-changer for sure and would’ve been a healthy way to pull me out of my own inner darkness. I’ve built a solid, foundational meditation practice through the tools and teachings passed down within the Modern Mystery School. There are many types of meditations you can experience within the school, but to get started I’d recommend you begin with the below 3 methods.

  • Max Meditation System™: is a method of meditation that was developed by Founder Gudni Gudnason who traveled the world for the last 40 years exploring the phenomena of the mind and humans. He created a method of meditation that combined techniques from prominent teachers in India and Tibet while also weaving in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This meditation technique has 5 key components which are followed in a specific sequence. For those new to meditation, I highly recommend you start with Max Meditation System™ because it will teach you how to meditate. I had one client come to a Max Meditation™ that I led, and she messaged me later to thank me for the experience. She said she, “[had] not had a moment’s peace in my brain for what feels like months. I felt like crying when I was super calm- just wow.” Experiencing the benefits of meditation for the first time is something you won’t forget, and I love this system because it provides just that for so many people. 
  • Sanctuary Meditation: This method of meditation is one of my favorites because it teaches you how to enter your own inner sanctuary and clearly communicate/receive guidance from your Higher Self. I have had profound experiences through using this tool. Sanctuary Meditation has helped me to heal deep layers of subconscious trauma, it’s brought awareness to the root of self-sabotaging behaviors, and it’s helped me to see my inherent, divine potential. We also have spirit guides that are here to support us with our progression through life, and Sanctuary Meditation is also an effective tool to work directly with your personal spirit guides. I can’t speak highly enough about Sanctuary Meditation because learning how to connect and receive guidance from my higher self has been invaluable in my life. 
  • Astral Travel Meditation: This meditation is a bit more advanced if you’re new to meditation. This method can support you in beginning to perceive more because it expands your ‘awareness’ muscle. In the Astral Travel class, you are taught how to expand your consciousness so you can travel anywhere in the known universe outside of the physical body. Incredible right?! Astral Travel allowed me to see how powerful we really are. I’ve flown around in outer space, visited different spiritual dimensions, and have even astral traveled back to the room I was meditating in to do healing on myself. Beware that there are many ‘new age’ classes out there offering Astral Travel. Why I strongly recommend you take Astral Travel through the Modern Mystery School is you are given keys and rituals that guarantee safe travel in accordance with Sacred Law. 

Like all practices, the more you do it, the deeper and more profound the results will be. Many times clients will tell me that they are intimidated by meditation because they feel they have done it incorrectly when they tried. What I appreciate about the Modern Mystery School Meditation techniques is that they are safe, effective, and have been used by thousands of initiates prior- aka they work! These teachings have been handed down in person, in the same way, by great masters and teachers for thousands of years. All of the classes I’ve taken with the Modern Mystery School have helped me build a solid foundation for my spiritual practice. The teachings and tools have helped me stay grounded here in the physical world while simultaneously connecting to higher energies so I can co-create with the purity and goodness of the spiritual realms. Please connect to a local practitioner in your area, certified by the Modern Mystery School to take one of these classes. I also teach these classes in Southern California, so reach out to me for information about my class schedule.

With Love, 
